What are White Spots on the Teeth?

White spots, also known as initial caries, can be observed on the teeth, indicating structural weaknesses and possible caries development. In practice, white spots, also known as “initial lesions”, can be diagnosed quickly and easily; It can be treated in a short time, practically and without any pain by an experienced and competent dentist. 

The tooth is covered with a hard substance called enamel. The enamel structure, which plays a protective function between the external environment and sensitive nerves, can be weakened due to wear and tear, acidic drinks and poor oral hygiene. In the weakened enamel layer, pit formation begins over time. The resulting hole is called tooth decay. These caries can be treated without drilling or filling.

The distinguishing indicator of these caries on the teeth is white spots. White spots can be observed not only on molars, but also on all teeth, as they affect all teeth. In this respect, white spots are not difficult to detect. When white spots appear on the teeth, consulting a competent dentist without being negligent is the healthiest approach for a successful and permanent treatment.

How is the White Spot (Lesion) on the Teeth Treated?

We stated that the white spots observed on the teeth indicate the formation of dental caries. However, the presence of white lesions on the tooth does not necessarily indicate the presence of caries; it only indicates the beginning of the formation of caries in the tooth. In other words, it indicates that the enamel structure of the tooth is at risk. The most effective method against this is recalcification or strengthening the calcium in the enamel structure. 

To take precautions against the formation of white spots on the teeth, you can get help from a toothpaste that repairs the calcium in the teeth. In this way, it is possible to strengthen the weak points in the relevant area and protect the teeth against possible white spots in the future. In addition, your dentist may start fluoride therapy to relieve and strengthen any weaknesses in your teeth. 

Another treatment method that can be used against white lesions observed on the tooth surface is tooth whitening. Teeth whitening process provides color balance by naturally reducing the difference between the color of the tooth and the color of the stains on the teeth. If the initial caries, that is, the white lesions, are at a level that will create a cavity in the tooth, the resin process can be applied by the dentist.

If you detect the formation of a lesion on your tooth, the best approach would be to consult a competent and experienced dentist without wasting time to prepare a treatment plan suitable for you. If you act negligently, these small stains that have just started to form on your teeth pave the way for a serious caries that will require a much heavier treatment procedure in the future.

How Do White Spots on Teeth Disappear?

White spots (lesion) or initial caries may occur on the teeth over time, due to structural reasons and/or environmental factors. There are many and various factors and causes that affect the formation of initial caries. Now, let's list the main reasons/factors that pave the way for the formation of white spots, trigger the formation of white spots and affect its increase:

Dental Fluorosis

Dental fluorosis develops due to excess chloride intake during the teething period, which is usually at the age of eight or before. The development of dental fluorosis paves the way for the formation of white spots on the teeth.

Enamel Hypoplasia

Enamel hypoplasia is observed if the enamel structure is immature, the enamel layer does not develop sufficiently, or if it is thinner than it should be. Enamel hypoplasia can trigger the formation of white lesions on the teeth. 


Consuming acidic foods and drinks can also cause white spots and cavities on the teeth.

Inadequate Oral Care

Inadequate oral care can cause white spots on the teeth. To take precautions against this, regular brushing, flossing, preventing plaque accumulation on the tooth surface, etc. procedures can be applied.

Early Stage Dental Caries

One of the important signs of tooth decay is the presence of white spots. These stains may indicate a mineral deficiency in the enamel layer of the relevant tooth. If an effective and sustainable treatment is not taken against this deficiency, serious dental caries problems may be encountered in the future.

How to Clean White Stain on Tooth?

It is necessary to consult a dentist in order to put an end to the formation of white spots on the teeth and to ensure the permanent removal of existing stains. After examining the related tooth or work, the dentist prepares an effective treatment plan against this problem and puts it into practice. However, in order to determine the most accurate treatment, the main cause of the stain formation must be determined first. The main factors that cause stain formation are:


In the microabrasion method, a small part of the enamel layer is removed with the help of an abrasive substance. It contributes to the removal of white lesions and improving the appearance of teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth may change color depending on various factors. If the cause of stains on the teeth is based solely on color change, the lesions can be eliminated by taking tooth whitening treatment. However, it is important to note that teeth whitening treatment may not provide successful results for all types of white lesions.

Tooth Bonding

By using a resin material that is compatible with the natural color of the tooth, the stains in the relevant area can be removed.

Dental Veneer

If white lesions develop in a dense and large area, dental veneer method can be applied.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment can be applied against white spots that develop due to dental fluorosis, and in this way, missing minerals are restored to the teeth.

How to Prevent the Formation of White Spots on the Teeth?

White spots may occur on the tooth surface due to different factors. Mineral loss, bacterial growth and high fluoride intake are among these factors. It will be a successful and healthy approach to pay attention to the said factors and to create a life order accordingly, to prevent the formation of white lesions on the teeth. Now let's take a look at the practical measures that can be taken against these spots:

Oral and Dental Care at Regular Intervals

The most practical way to maintain oral and dental health is to brush two or three times a day and floss once. Thanks to the habit of regular brushing and flossing, a strong precaution is taken against plaque accumulating on the tooth surface and possible cavities in the future.

Using Fluoride Toothpaste

It is important to use the right toothpaste for oral hygiene and dental health. Although a dentist's evaluation and advice is needed for the right choice in toothpaste, it would be the right approach to use fluoride toothpastes. Because fluoride is a necessary mineral for strengthening teeth and preventing caries formation.

Another important benefit of using fluoride toothpaste is that it contributes to the strengthening of the enamel layer. Because the enamel layer absorbs the fluoride mineral in the fluoride-containing toothpaste over time and becomes stronger by increasing the missing fluoride level. The enamel layer, which gets stronger when it is weak, helps to remove caries in the early stage, and helps the teeth to gain a healthy and lively appearance over time.

Limiting Consumption of Acidic Foods and/or Drinks

Frequent and intense consumption of acidic foods and beverages may first cause the enamel layer to melt and white lesions to form, and then to experience dental problems that are difficult to compensate. For this reason, it will be beneficial to consume foods and beverages with high acid density, such as soda, sports drinks, acidic fruits, as little as possible.

Consuming Regular and Enough Water

The amount of water to be consumed daily differs from person to person. First of all, you should learn your ideal water consumption amount and take care to consume this amount every day. Because if you consume enough water, your oral acid level will be balanced and a successful measure can be taken against the formation of white lesions due to high acidity.

Avoiding Exposure to High Levels of Fluoride

Fluoride, which is extremely important and necessary for dental health, does more harm than good when consumed more than necessary, like any useful mineral. Therefore, excessive consumption of fluoride can bring about various problems. Dental fluorosis and related white spot development are among these problems.

Going to Regular Dental Checkups

Seeing an experienced, competent and successful dentist at regular intervals is the most effective way to maintain oral and dental health permanently and sustainably. In this way, problems that may pose a risk to your oral and dental health can be diagnosed in advance and treated by taking timely action.