What Causes Tooth Fracture?

Broken teeth, which cause deterioration of the integrity of the tooth structure, are an important oral and dental health problem. Broken tooth syndrome is caused by a crack or fracture in the tooth. Depending on their size and depth, cracks in the teeth may be harmless, and sometimes they may cause deterioration of oral functions. 

Teeth can break for many reasons. During the consumption of hard foods or due to teeth grinding, cracks and fractures may occur in the teeth. Age factor, genetic factors, habits such as jaw clenching are also some of the reasons that can lead to breakage in teeth. Some of the causes that lead to broken teeth are as follows:

  • Teeth grinding habit,

  • Jaw clenching habit,

  • Genetic factors,

  • Age-related factors,

  • Root canal treatments,

  • Large fillings in teeth,

  • Chewing habits that put pressure on the teeth,

  • Traumas, sports accidents, violence,

  • Consuming very hot and very cold foods one after the other,

  • Accidents that may occur due to many reasons,

  • Cracking nuts with teeth,

  • Infections in the teeth,

  • Rotten teeth.

What is Tooth Fracture, Why Does It Happen?

Tooth fracture is an oral and dental health problem that can have negative effects on nutrition and speech as well as appearance. Problems such as broken teeth need to be treated. Damage to tooth enamel causes tooth breakage. 

Aging or weak tooth structure, various diseases are some of the causes of tooth fractures. The parts that make up the teeth are the crown part above the gums and the root part that is located under the gums and buried.

The crown and root parts of the tooth consist of layers. The white outer surface of the tooth is solid and hard. This part of the tooth is called enamel. The middle part of the tooth is dentin and the other parts of the tooth are the pulp, which consists of blood vessels, and nerves in the interior. 

The solid and hard outer surface of the tooth can be damaged during feeding. Contact of teeth with hard objects, blows to the surface and many other reasons lead to tooth fractures. Treatment can be done in various ways in individuals with tooth fractures. 

When tooth fractures are to be treated, the needs of the patient, the size of the problem that occurs in the tooth, and the patient's expectation as a result of the treatment must be taken into account. Performing such treatments by a specialist dentist will also positively affect the result. 

Causes Leading to Tooth Fracture

There can be many reasons that lead to tooth fracture. Tooth fracture can also be an indicator of another problem in some cases. Teeth can also break due to infections or trauma. Frequent consumption of hard-shelled foods and age-related factors can cause tooth fracture, as well as many different reasons. Tooth fracture most often happens while eating.

In some cases, it is possible to use broken teeth for many years without any symptoms, while in some cases, oral health may deteriorate due to broken teeth. The problem of tooth fracture, which is more common in children and elderly individuals, is an oral and dental health problem that needs to be treated. Untreated tooth fracture can lead to different health problems in the future.

Tooth Fracture Symptoms and Treatment

When there is a tooth fracture problem, the person may not have any symptoms. In addition, tingling, sensitivity, swelling or pain in the teeth may also occur as a result of tooth fracture. When a tooth fracture is to be treated, it is necessary to seek help from a dentist. After the examination, the dentist determines a treatment method depending on the location, depth and size of the fracture.

Treating these problems is important in terms of preventing larger problems that may arise in the future. By physical examination and dental x-rays, it is determined what kind of method will be preferred for the treatment of tooth fracture. As a result of tooth fracture, the integrity of the tooth structure is impaired. Tooth fracture, which is generally seen in the elderly and children, is one of the problems that can be encountered in all age groups. 

While treating this problem, the needs and expectations of the patient should not be ignored. Tooth fracture is easy to detect when it is in the front of the mouth. Since this region will be visible areas, it can be noticed at the first time. Fractures in the posterior areas can be felt through the tongue.

Symptoms of tooth fracture can be pain, aches, sensitivity to hot-cold foods, a feeling of pain against sweet foods, swelling or redness around the tooth. Depending on the damage to the tooth, what to do for the broken tooth is determined. 

Cosmetic applications, bonding options, tooth extraction, crown treatment, veneer or root canal treatment are among the applications that can be done for broken teeth. If the fracture is caused by tooth decay, the decay must be treated first. After the decay treatment is completed, the restoration work for the tooth fracture is determined. 

Types of Tooth Fractures

In terms of tooth fracture types, it can be classified as cracked tooth, hair fiber cracks, filling fractures, broken tooth, vertical tooth root fractures. When a tooth fracture occurs, it may be necessary to seek help from an orthodontist. The broken tooth is treated by considering the damage caused by the fracture in the tooth, and the problem that occurs in the teeth and gums. Tooth fracture can also lead to infection in some cases. Some of the symptoms that may occur in this situation are:

  • Toothache,

  • Fever,

  • Swelling, redness of the teeth or gums,

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold,

  • Odors in the mouth.

How To Prevent Tooth Fracture?

It is possible to prevent tooth fracture by taking some precautions. First of all, abandoning the habits that may cause tooth fractures is the first precaution. Avoiding the consumption of hard-shelled foods and not breaking the nuts with teeth are some of these precautions. It is important to do oral and dental health care regularly, and to pay attention to oral hygiene to prevent teeth from breaking. 

If the tooth breaks out of nowhere, it is necessary to seek help from a dentist, and investigate the underlying cause. Although tooth enamel has a hard structure, its resistance may become difficult in the face of some impacts. For this reason, the protection of tooth enamel should be considered in order to prevent tooth fractures.